Price for a basic headshot is $40.00 for a single look (one outfit) with 3 images with appropriate retouching delivered as web ready files. $65.00 for 2-3 looks with 5 images delivered.
A set of model digitals is $65.00 This consists of 4 images that include full length front view, a full length side view, a medium length view (from the knees up) and a headshot. 
Q.  What are model digitals?
A.  Model digitals are examples of what you currently look like. They should be updated regularly to reflect any changes in your appearance so casting and art directors know what you look like at the time of hiring. Sometimes they're referred to as Polaroids since in the past they were frequently taken using a Polaroid camera on instant film. They are taken in simple lighting without editing so a casting or art director can see your natural appearance. The outfit for digitals should be relatively form fitting and casual. Nothing baggie or any print or design. Jeans and a t-shirt can work. 

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